Baizhou Chen
发布人:Sqxx  发布时间:2019-06-17   浏览次数:282

Baizhou Chen


1102M300  Organizational Behavior
1102A220    Financial Accounting 
1102A221    Managerial Accounting

Academic Career:

Full-time Instructor of Accounting at Pennsylvania State University. 
 Founding advisor of Accounting Society and full-time accounting faculty at University of Minnesota. 
 Awarded the prestigious Michael Chowdry Entrepreneurial Scholarship.  
 While earning an M.B.A. from St. John's University in New York, successfully completed the highly
 selective Executive-In-Residence program.
Professor of Accounting in the Business Department, University of Minnesota.
Founding advisor for the Accounting Society at University of Minnesota.
Certified public accountant registered and licensed in the states of New York and Minnesota. 
Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Six years of full-time public accounting with Ernst & Young, one of the big 4 global accounting firms.
Awarded the prestigious Michael Chowdry Entrepreneurial Scholarship. 
While earning an M.B.A. from St. John's University in New York, successfully completed the highly selective executive-in-residence program.