Vehbi Paksoy
发布人:Sqxx  发布时间:2019-06-17   浏览次数:417

Vehbi Paksoy


0701M230  Calculus II

0701M375  Multivariable Calculus

Academic Career:

Nova Southeastern University

Vehbi Paksoy is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Nova Southeastern University(NSU), Florida. Dr. Paksoy's
research interests include algebraic and complex geometry, mathematical aspects of quantum information theory
matrix and tensor analysis. He teaches variety of courses from calculus to differential geometry and mathematical
Dr. Paksoy held temporary positions at National University of Singapore, University of Regensburg (Germany),
Pomona College, Claremont McKenna College (California), and Shanghai University. He holds a full time position at
NSU since 2008.
Dr. Paksoy is a certified Rescue scuba diver and Olympic fencing enthusiast.