
Where can I find information about courses and credit transfer, especially prerequisites for each course?
Information concerning courses and prerequisites can be found in the course syllabus. Refer to our credit transfer guides for more information about credit transfer. 
Who will teach the courses of Jinan University Summer Session?
Jinan University Summer Session is dedicated to introducing the finest in USA higher education to China, and only employs teachers with rich teaching experience in relevant courses from renowned U.S. universities.  Our illustrious faculty includes senior professors from such elite universities as Harvard University, Yale University, Brown University, and Columbia University. For details of our teachers’ qualifications, please refer to the Faculty page of this website, where you can check the experience, education, publications, and awards of any summer session teachers. 
Compared with AP, what is the advantage of Jinan University Summer Session?
AP is just an exam proving you have mastered the contents of some courses equivalent to the university level. While in International Summer School, you can attend actual college-level courses taught by professors, discuss and exchange views with professors and classmates in the class, and engage in the full spectrum of university academic experiences.  
During the program, you will master more profound and in-depth knowledge than those acquired from learning AP by yourself, and you will truly experience the academic environment of top U.S. universities.  Moreover, you will enjoy your learning and life-experiences with a dynamic group of other students from everywhere highly diverse array of American colleges and universities. In addition, some AP courses do not count as core curriculum fundamental courses in U.S. universities, and will only be counted as selective credits.In contrast, JNU courses are fully pre-approved for transfer to your American college or university, yet at a fraction of the time and money investment. 
Where is the campus of JNC International Summer School? When is the program offered?
Jinan University Summer Session will offer courses during the summer of 2023 at Jinan University (Guangzhou) and Zhejiang Gongshang University(Hangzhou).These courses will run from June to July .